4 Reasons to Consider Fitting Your Trailer with Anti-Sway Bars

Trailers are great for taking extra cargo, but they can sometimes sway slightly as you drive. There are several reasons this might happen; for example, the wind can push against the top of a high trailer, or you could have things loaded with heavy items at the top.

If you're worried about trailer sway, you should think about fitting anti-sway bars. These connect the vehicle and trailer in additional places to help enhanced stability, and they come with several important benefits.

Here are just four.

1. Improve Ride Quality and Avoid Accidents

When your trailer starts to sway, your vehicle's handling can be affected. It isn't hard to understand why; a trailer moving back and forth will place more pressure on one side of the car and then more pressure on the other as it moves back and forth. Even if the trailer doesn't sway during normal driving, it could do so when you go through corners, especially if your trailer is heavily laden.

Anti-sway bars reduce body roll when you go through corners to ensure handling remains responsive; they'll also hold the trailer steady as you drive straight. This doesn't just improve your ride – it also helps ensure you never lose control of the vehicle and end up becoming involved in an accident.

2. Minimize Cargo Movement

When your trailer starts to sway back and forth, the cargo inside will start to shift around. Even if you've tied everything down, constant shifting can see certain items come loose. This will increase sway since those items will roll back and forth with the trailer. Additionally, you'll risk damage to any more delicate items that come loose.

3. Avoid Vehicle and Trailer Damage

A swaying trailer isn't distributing its weight properly, which places added stress on both vehicle and trailer. Axles are placed under added pressure, which can lead to axle failure if left unchecked, and the tires will be pressed down hard against the road when the trailer sways in their direction, speeding up natural wear and increasing the chance of a blowout. You may also damage your suspension system, which could lead to expensive repairs.

4. Avoid Excess Fuel Consumption

Finally, keep in mind that a swaying trailer will decrease fuel efficiency. Your vehicle will need to work harder to move forwards if the trailer it is towing keeps moving from side to side, so you can end up spending a lot more of fuel when you don't have anti-sway bars fitted.

Contact a local auto accessories shop for more information about anti-sway bars and other towing equipment options you may want. 

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Amazing Auto Accessories for Busy Car Owners

When you are a busy person, you don't have time to worry about small details. However, little things like adding windscreen film to your car windows can actually improve your life a lot. In this blog, I am going to help you figure out which auto accessories are worth your time. I'm also going to look at auto accessories that can save you time. If you are busy and you drive a car, you need to look at my posts. Hi! My name is Amanda, and I love my car, and I love buying the right accessories to go with it. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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