Amazing Aluminium: Should You Choose An Aluminium Trailer For Towing Your Motorcycle?

Motorcycles are one of the most thrilling modes of transportation around, but unfortunately they are far from the most comfortable, and many bikers who intend to travel with their bikes over long distances will transport them in a trailer towed behind a more comfortable (and safe) car. Naturally, this requires a dedicated trailer, and a wide variety of trailers specifically designed for carrying bikes can be found, either purchased off-the-shelf or custom made to your specifications.

However, when choosing a trailer for your bike you will have to bear the materials it is made from in mind, as some are better suited to the rigours of long-distance motorcycle towing than others. Aluminium trailers are a perennially popular choice, and have a number of advantages over other commonly used materials such as steel; however, aluminium also comes with a few drawbacks, so you should make sure this unique metal is the best choice for your new trailer before you lay down your hard-earned cash.

What are the advantages of choosing an aluminium bike trailer?


Aluminium is highly prized for its complete immunity to rust, and this resistance to corrosion makes it ideally suited for trailer building. An aluminium trailer can be towed in any weather and dragged through waterlogged, off-road trails without falling victim to rust, and does not require any protective paint or powder coatings to maintain this resistance. In many cases, an aluminium bike trailer will outlast the very bike(s) it is designed to carry.

Low maintenance

With no corrosion problems to worry about, an aluminium trailer is extremely low-maintenance, and can even be stored in an unsheltered location without special protective measures. An occasional cleaning with soap and water to remove dirt deposits is generally all you need to do to keep an aluminium trailer in good shape; some owners choose to have their trailers acid-dipped on occasion to remove surface oxidisation, but this is a purely cosmetic procedure and is not required to maintain the trailer's structural strength.


Aluminium is considerably lighter than steel, and an aluminium bike trailer will weigh considerably less than an identical model made from steel or timber. This makes them easier to hitch to your tow vehicle by hand, and reduces the effect towing will have on your tow vehicle's fuel economy. It also allows you to tow heavier bikes without exceeding your vehicle's towing weight limit.

What are the advantages of choosing an aluminium bike trailer?

Weaker than steel

Aluminium is less strong and durable than steel, and although it is more than strong enough to deal with the rigours of towing a motorbike, an aluminium trailer may be more vulnerable to damage caused by collisions and very bumpy journeys. 


Aluminium is also more expensive than steel, and aluminium trailers tend to cost more than their steel counterparts. The long-term durability and rust resistance of aluminium may make them a sounder long-term investment, however.

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Amazing Auto Accessories for Busy Car Owners

When you are a busy person, you don't have time to worry about small details. However, little things like adding windscreen film to your car windows can actually improve your life a lot. In this blog, I am going to help you figure out which auto accessories are worth your time. I'm also going to look at auto accessories that can save you time. If you are busy and you drive a car, you need to look at my posts. Hi! My name is Amanda, and I love my car, and I love buying the right accessories to go with it. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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